Read & Clean Zoom's Participant File
This function read Zoom's participant file from CSV to a tibble with sensible formatting and cleaner
column names. readr::read_csv
will be used to read the data. Join Time
and Leave Time
will be formatted as POSIXct object.
Two new columns, Name
and Name_Original
, will be extracted from Name (Original Name)
Every column names will be cleaned so that it easier to type in R
If Zoom's participant file has meeting details such as "Meeting ID", "Topic", etc. at the first row,
it will be assign to "meeting_overview" attributes.
A data frame (tibble) with class "zoom_participants". It has the following new columns:
"Name (Original Name)": the same column "Name (Original Name)" as input file
"Name": Current name displayed in Zoom meeting of the participants.
"Name_Original": Original name of the participants. It was extracted from the contents within the last balanced parentheses of "Name (Original Name)".
"Email": from original "User Email" column
"Join_Time": from original "Join Time" column
"Leave_Time": from original "Leave Time" column
"Duration_Minutes": from original "Duration (Minutes)" column
"Rec_Consent": from original "Recording Consent" column