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This function creates LaTeX preamble file needed to render Thai language in R Markdown to a PDF document.


  name = "thai-preamble.tex",
  thai_font = "TH Sarabun New",
  line_spacing = 1.5,
  open = FALSE,
  overwrite = FALSE



(Character) Thai LaTeX preamble file name or path of file to create, which can be relative path or absolute path. Default value is thai-preamble.tex.


(Character) Name of the Thai font to use. Default font is "TH Sarabun New". It can be any Thai font that installed in your system.


(Numeric) Spacing between each line. Line spacing 1.5 is recommended for Thai language (default).


(Logical) Open the newly created file for editing? Using default editor of .tex to open.


(Logical) If file already exist, do you want to overwrite?


(Invisible) A path to LaTeX preamble being created.


Here is the steps:

  1. Call use_thai_preamble(). You can set other file name by name argument and Thai font to use by thai_font argument.

  2. Follow the instructions printed to R console.

    • File thai-preamble.tex should be created in the current working directory (by default).

    • (If not already) Create R Markdown file with pdf_document: or bookdown::pdf_document2 format.

    • Modify YAML header in pdf_document: or bookdown::pdf_document2 option. Set latex_engine to xelatex and set to include path to the LaTeX preamble file.

    • Add LaTeX macro \sloppy to the beginning of the body of R Markdown (just after YAML header).

  3. Write some Thai language in R Markdown then knit to PDF. It's DONE!


if (FALSE) {
 # Running this will write `thai-preamble.tex` to your working directory
 # Write `thai-preamble.tex` under pre-tex/ directory (a directory must exist)
 use_thai_preamble(name = "pre-tex/thai-preamble.tex")
 # Specify Thai font to use
 use_thai_preamble(thai_font = "Laksaman")

 # Example
 .old_wd <- setwd(tempdir())
#>  Writing "thai-preamble.tex" at /tmp/RtmpDJQsyk/thai-preamble.tex
#>  Thai font was set to "TH Sarabun New" in the preamble.
#>  Line spacing was set to 1.5 in the preamble.
#> ── TODO ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> For YAML header of R Markdown in `pdf_document:` or `bookdown::pdf_document2:`
#> • Set `latex_engine` to `xelatex`
#> • Set to include the path to LaTeX preamble
#> ── Like This ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#>     latex_engine: xelatex
#>     includes:
#>       in_header: thai-preamble.tex
#> ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> • Add LaTeX macro `\sloppy` to the beginning of the body of R Markdown (just
#> after YAML header).
#> For more details see
#> • How to include preamble in R Markdown
#> <>
#> • LaTeX setting in Thai
#> <>